Grackle Docs Installation

Google Docs does not have a built-in accessibility checker. You can use the Grackle Docs add-on to run the accessibility tests on your document.

  1. Open a Google document.
  2. Go to Add-ons and select Get add-ons.


documents install

3. It opens another window and type in the search “Grackle Docs” and select the Grackle Docs option.


document types

4. Once you navigate to Grackle Docs, click on the Install button.

docs install

 5. When you click Install, a pop-up window appears asking for permission to install. Select Continue

install permition

6. Choose a Google account to continue with Grackle Docs. This adds Grackle Docs to that Google account.

7. After you select a Google account to continue, allow Grackle Docs to access your Google account.

allow install


Grackle Docs should now be installed, and a pop-up appears describing two ways to find Grackle Docs.
