Goals and Success Indicators

Campuses are required to accomplish the ATI goals listed below. Each ATI goal is supported by a set of success indicators that describe the processes, procedures, and activities that need to be accomplished in order to meet the goal. As changes in technology occur, the success indicators may be modified following consultation with campus executive leadership.

Note: ATI Goals and Success Indicators listed below have been updated based on the March 2021 ATI Memo (PDF), and will become effective for the 2021-22 academic year.Some goals and success indicators have intentionally been omitted as a result of previously established goals or success indicators becoming obsolete. As a result, some success indicators are not numbered sequentially.

Instructional Materials

The campus has implemented a comprehensive plan to ensure the timely adoption of instructional materials, including courses with late-hire faculty or adjunct faculty. 

Success Indicators for Goal 1


Campus has formally documented (e.g., Policy, Resolution, or Procedure) a process to ensure the timely adoption of textbooks and other instructional materials.


Develop a process (e.g., developed and documented practices, specified staff time, educational/training resources, and technology) to achieve compliance with timely adoption.


Develop a process to distribute performance reports regarding timely adoptions to campus administration at least annually.


Develop a process to distribute performance reports regarding timely adoptions for late-hire faculty to campus administration at least annually.

The campus has implemented policies and procedures to promote the posting of accessible course materials in the university approved LMS or other platforms.

Success Indicators for Goal 4


Develop a process to promote the posting of instructional materials to the university approved LMS and other platforms.


Develop a process and document specific guidelines and procedures for creating accessible course content hosted in the campus LMS.


Develop a process that provides alternate media production staff with timely access to instructional materials within the university approved LMS and other platforms.


Develop a process to review the accessibility of faculty-maintained websites or web applications, whether hosted on the campus domain or elsewhere.

The campus has implemented policies and procedures to ensure that accessibility has been incorporated into multimedia, interactive content, and emerging instructional technologies.

Success Indicators for Goal 5


Develop a process for creating, selecting, adopting, and remediating audio and video assets.


Develop a process for creating, selecting, adopting, and remediating instructor developed course readers.


Develop a process for creating, selecting, adopting, and remediating digital content: documents (word processor produced, spreadsheets, presentation software, PDF).


Develop a process for creating, adopting, implementing, and remediating emerging instructional technologies.


Develop a process for creating, selecting, adopting, and remediating publisher created content.


Develop a process for creating, selecting, adopting, and remediating learning and engagement tools.

The campus has implemented procedures to ensure that accessibility requirements have been incorporated into the course review and remediation process.

Success Indicators for Goal 6


Develop a process for selecting, authoring, and procuring accessible course materials.


Develop a process to facilitate the review and remediation of the accessibility of online courses before posting.


Develop a process for faculty and instructional staff to incorporate accessibility at the time of course redesign.


Develop a process to conduct regularly scheduled accessibility evaluations using automated tools and manual techniques to identify course content that requires remediation.


Develop a process to prioritize and remediate inaccessible course content.


Develop Equally Effective Alternate Access Plans (EEAAPs) that address how the campus will ensure equal access for individuals with disabilities to LMS container and integrations (learning tools interoperability [LTI]) stored within the university approved LMS and other platforms.

The campus has implemented processes and procedures to support faculty in creating and adopting accessible instructional materials.

Success Indicators for Goal 7


Campus has formally documented (through Policy or Resolution) faculty responsibility for selecting and authoring accessible instructional materials.


Develop a process to create, distribute, and update examples of accessible instructional materials.


Develop a process and provide resources for faculty and instructional staff to create accessible instructional content.


Develop a process that incorporates accessibility when acquiring, converting, digitizing, creating, and maintaining library assets.

The campus has implemented a broad-based ATI awareness campaign, supported by a comprehensive training infrastructure to increase digital accessibility across the campus.

Success Indicators for Goal 8


Develop a formal communication campaign with executive support to increase knowledge of accessibility issues and responsibilities.


Develop a process including various training materials, both in content and modality, for creating, selecting, adopting, and remediating instructional materials.


Develop a process that integrates accessibility information into faculty orientations.


Develop a process that integrates accessibility information into faculty development.


Develop a process that integrates accessibility information into academic technology activities.


Develop a process to provide ongoing professional development for employees with ATI accessible instructional materials responsibilities.

Annually review and update the ATI Instructional Materials Accessibility Plan.

Success Indicators for Goal 9


Develop a process for the ATI Steering Committee to review, revise and approve the updated ATI Instructional Materials Plan.


Develop a process for the instructional materials subcommittee to inform the revision and coordinate the implementation of the Annual Instructional Materials Plan.


Campus has procurement processes that follow Section 508 requirements for all acquired Information and Communication Technology (ICT) products and/or services.

Success Indicators for Goal 1


Develop a process to determine impact based on the impact matrix/criteria.


Develop a process to determine the level/complexity of 508 evaluation that will be required for new procurements and/or renewals.


Develop a process for procurements that require an evaluation of Section 508 compliance. The process must address requirements for both competitive and non-competitive bid procurements.


Develop a process for all purchase card purchases that require an evaluation of Section 508 compliance.


Develop a process for validating accessibility conformance claims (ACRs, Roadmaps, Accessibility Statements, accessibility demonstrations, RFP responses, and testing documentation).


Develop a process to evaluate Section 508 compliance for campus adoptions of procurements made by multiple campuses or at the systemwide level (e.g., Master Enabling Agreements).


Develop a process so that vendors and campus members involved in ICT procurements know who to contact for assistance, resources, and support.


Assigned authority and responsibility for the accessible ICT procurement process to a body (person(s) or business entity).

Equally Effective Alternate Access Plans are created for ICT products that are not fully Section 508 compliant.

Success Indicators for Goal 4


Develop a process for providing equally effective alternate access. The process must outline when an Equally Effective Alternate Access Plan (EEAAP) is required, assigned roles and responsibilities, and distribution strategy.

Training and outreach programs are in place for all ICT procurement stakeholders (e.g., buyers, purchase requestors, vendors, etc.)

Success Indicators for Goal 5


Develop a process to integrate accessible procurement information into new employee orientation.


Develop a training process for purchase requestors and administrative support staff.


Develop a training process for technology support staff (e.g., Information Technology Consultants).


Develop a training process for Buyers (procurement staff).


Develop a training process for all purchase card holders.


Develop a process to provide ongoing professional development for employees with ATI responsibilities.


Develop a process for working collaboratively with vendors during the procurement process to assess and improve the accessibility of their product (i.e., ACR review process, Accessibility Roadmap).


Develop an ongoing general campus communication with executive support that promotes ICT procurement awareness.

Campuses have sufficient experience and expertise in completing ICT procurements.

Success Indicators for Goal 8


Total number of ICT purchases.


Total number of ICT reviews.


Total number of EEAAPs completed.

Annually review and update the ATI Procurement Plan.

Success Indicators for Goal 9


Develop a process for the ATI Steering Committee to review, revise and approve the updated ATI Procurement Plan.


Develop a process for the procurement subcommittee to inform the revision and coordinate the implementation of the Annual Procurement Plan.


Identify and repair or replace inaccessible websites, applications (web or mobile), and digital content.

Success Indicators for Goal 1


Assigned authority and responsibility for the evaluation process to a body (person(s) or business entity).


Develop a process to inventory all websites and applications (web or mobile) affiliated with the university, including those developed by contract vendors.


Develop a process to perform regularly scheduled accessibility evaluations to identify campus-affiliated websites and applications (web or mobile) that need remediation.


Develop a process to conduct manual accessibility evaluations on campus-affiliated websites and applications (web or mobile).


Develop a process to distribute evaluation results to campus members and/or vendors responsible for website maintenance.


Develop a process to ensure that campus members involved in maintaining websites and applications (web or mobile) understand the accessibility evaluation process.


Develop a process to conduct manual accessibility evaluations on digital content: documents (word processor produced, spreadsheets, presentations, PDFs).


Develop a process to conduct manual evaluations on multimedia digital content (video and audio).


Develop a process to distribute evaluation results to campus members and vendors responsible for digital content maintenance.


Develop a process to ensure that campus members involved in maintaining digital content are familiar with the accessibility evaluation process.


Develop an application support process that includes published, specific accessibility statement(s) and a method to both report and address issues.

New website, application (web or mobile) and digital content development complies with all Section 508 accessibility standards.

Success Indicators for Goal 2


Develop a process to ensure that new websites and applications (web or mobile) are developed to meet Section 508 accessibility standards.


Develop a process to ensure that accessible coding techniques are used to develop new websites and web applications (web or mobile).


Develop a process for digital content: documents (word processor produced, spreadsheets, presentations, PDFs) to meet Section 508 accessibility standards before the documents are published to the web.


Develop a process for video and audio to meet Section 508 accessibility standards before the content is published to the web.


Assigned authority and responsibility for the new web/mobile development process to a body (person(s) or business entity).

Updating and maintenance of websites, applications (web or mobile) and digital content complies with Section 508 accessibility standards.

Success Indicators for Goal 3


Assigned authority and responsibility to a body (person(s) or business entity) for the process of ensuring updates and maintenance to websites and applications (web or mobile) are compliant.


Develop a process to verify that any changes made to existing websites and applications (web or mobile) comply with Section 508 accessibility standards.


Assigned authority and responsibility for the ongoing monitoring process of digital content to a body (person(s) or business entity).


Develop a process to verify that any changes made to existing digital content: documents (word processor produced, spreadsheets, presentations, PDFs) comply with Section 508 accessibility standards.

Professional development training has incorporated Section 508 accessibility standards into website and application (web or mobile) development and digital content preparation

Success Indicators for Goal 5


Assigned authority and responsibility for the training process of web development and application development to a body (person(s) or business entity).


Assigned authority and responsibility for the training process of digital content development to a body (person(s) or business entity).


Develop a training process on accessibility for web/mobile developers and designers, to include Section 508 standards and the campus monitoring process.


Develop a training process on accessibility for web content contributors, to include Section 508 standards and the campus monitoring process.


Develop a training process on accessibility for digital content: documents (word processor produced, spreadsheets, presentations, PDF), to include Section 508 standards and the campus monitoring process.


Develop a training process on accessibility for digital content: video and audio asset publishers, to include Section 508 standards and the campus monitoring process.


Develop a training process on accessibility for social media content.


Develop a training process on accessibility for marketing and communication materials (such as emails and flyers).


Develop a process to provide ongoing professional development for employees with ATI Web responsibilities.

In general the campus community is aware of Section 508 guidelines to make web based information available to everyone (students, staff, faculty and the general public) regardless of disability.

Success Indicators for Goal 6


Assigned authority and responsibility for the communication process to a body (person(s) or business entity).


Develop an ongoing general campus communication with executive support that promotes web accessibility awareness.


Develop a process that integrates web accessibility information into the on-boarding/orientation process for new faculty.


Develop a process that integrates web accessibility information into the on-boarding/orientation process for new staff.


Develop a process that integrates web accessibility information into the on-boarding/orientation process for students.


Develop a process to ensure that campus members involved in creating and/or maintaining web sites, designs, and/or applications (web or mobile) know who to contact for compliance training, assistance, resources and support.


Develop a process to ensure that campus members involved in creating and/or maintaining digital content (web, web design, documents, videos, audio, etc.) know who to contact for compliance training, assistance, resources and support.

Annually review and update the ATI Web Accessibility Plan.

Success Indicators for Goal 7


Develop a process for the ATI Steering Committee to review, revise and approve the updated ATI Web Accessibility Plan.


Develop a process for the web accessibility subcommittee to inform the revision and coordinate the implementation of the annual ATI Web Accessibility Plan.